ISSR recognized by Ministry of Finance as its policy partner

Ministry of Finance (MOF), Government of Nepal and Institute for Strategic and Socio-Economic Research (ISSR) entered into the Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) September 24, 2017, at MOF in Singh Durbar for the period of five years. The MOU seeks the partnership between MOF and ISSR to execute directive principles and policies as stated in the constitution. Other objectives include identifying the existing potential and development prospects of the provincial and local level governments, sustainability, economic and fiscal policy to expedite socio-economic transformation, development of program and budget, strategy for domestic revenue and foreign aid mobilization and monitoring and evaluation of development projects.

The MOU has opened doors for ISSR to facilitate Ministry of Finance in matters related to the implementation of the federal system through research and technical support. On behalf of the Ministry of Finance, ISSR’s services will include-

  1. Reviewing and adding value to economic reports being completed at Ministry of Finance’s upon request, which also includes reports submitted by others to receive ministry’s opinion.
  2. Conducting need-based studies on contemporary issues with their major recommendations and advise.
  3. Conducting outcome evaluation and budgetary expenses of the National Pride Projects, large development projects/programs and also those projects, which are under external assistance.
  4. Generating resources from development partners to conduct MOF’s priority training and research work.
  5. Formulating appropriate policies and strategies to enhance revenue mobilization and increase capital expenditure.
  6. Conducting studies to develop strategies to bridge the huge gap between the commitment and disbursement in the foreign aid program